Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thinking Out Loud: Volume Uno!

So today I was sitting watching 30 Rock via Hulu when a car insurance commercial came on, it had something to do with GPS and possibly a crash, but I just thought suddenly how weird it is that any place you could ever go has basically been documented and made available to anyone wanting to travel to wherever, whenever. The prospect of knowing where everything is, is mind boggling when you think about it. One could almost say you'd have to be stupid to get lost in the 21st century, one could, but certainly not I. It is however a convenient luxury I suppose but it does take a bit of adventure out of life now doesn't it, that's a rhetorical question.

Anyways to continue on with the mass documenting thing, its cool, but just a little eerie too perhaps I'm being dramatic but Google can basically find anything, a store, a person, where you left those keys, its nearly endless. I guess we have it quite easy now.

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