Sunday, January 23, 2011

Thinking Out Loud: Pooper Scooper

My neighbors across the hall in our apartment haven recently been making some poor decisions. You see, between us we have a total of 5 dogs I only have one, they have two but often dog-sit, the poop scooping situation was always very clear, you scoop up your dogs poop and you obviously don't let your dog's poop in the same area of our dog.

This was an unspoken but of mutual understanding, code. However I realized one day that while scooping téh poopie, not all of it was from my dog. It dawned on me, those skinny bitches next door have been secretly letting their dogs go poo-poo in my territory knowing I frequently scoop téh poopie, and assumed I wouldn't notice the extra loads. Expect their dogs are flea bitten, inconsistent, worm infested muts, its highly noticeable. There actions are reprehensible, and are actions of great disrespect and of poor personal taste. Luckily, I walked out the other day while one of them was letting there dog go in my dogs area, fake apologies were spoken, these people own 3 cars, I dont know how... It would be a shame if something happened to that shinny yet, ugly new Suzuki SUV.

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