Saturday, January 22, 2011


Well today was an interesting day Started off on a good note and stay good mostly towards th e end here it got odd, realizing that alot of the people I grew up with have kids and/or are married is hard to process. At 23 I thought it was ideal to not have kids. I feel like I'm missing the links. I had a plan when I was 13 to be married and be working on my career by 25 and then worry about kids. That seems so terribly old fashion, it was old fashioned back then.

I have a new plan now and thats just to bump the original plan back 4-5 years. Its still very odd feeling seeing friends already enter parenthood I used to associated parents as mature adults, thats not entirely the case anymore..

What really bothers me is some people just haven't stepped up to their duties the way they should be, it bothers me when people are having Facebook feuds and talking Fuck this, Bitch That. Its just a sad realization that not all parents were truly meant be parents.

You have to conduct yourself in a way to positively be reflected through your children, but if mommy and daddy are regularly acting a fool its bound to start making a mold on the character there going to come into. Though this doesn't apply to every parent or child. I have seen some really good parents too very respectable and doing what they have to do to take care of there child and make a positive atmosphere.

Good or bad I cant help but wonder what its like to be a parent.

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