Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"When Its Too Much"

When its too much, stop and breathe, be at ease never give up its better than it seems
When its too much, fight a bit harder, stay a little stronger just a a bit longer
When its too much, keep looking up, its not that tough just never give up
When its too much remember whats worth it, your worth it, I'm worth it, remember the things that keep us all going. - Brandon Hall

Its been a long day operation Gut-To-Cut is off to a slow start but a start nonetheless, got hit with a bit of bad news today that ultimately killed my day but I'm looking past it. I realize I need to put more effort into things I want, I want to lose weight I need to try harder, I need to find a job I need to try harder, feels like Ive applied everywhere, I just want a job already but I haven't given up it'll happen sooner than later.

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