Sitting here watching Julia and Julia is really inspiring to me, I like how the new modern Julia begins her blog about food to be an escape and to also maybe prove she’s got what it takes to be a writer. I have so many blogs of my own and since 2006 I’ve made quite a few, but none of the earlier ones really held on solid like the ones of more recent years. Now I have a blog about photography, entertainment ranging from video games, celebrity gossip and music, and one chronicling my year of trying to better myself. When I blog it does serve an amazing outlet my old computer tech teacher once told me I should be a writer or a news magazine editor because of the work I used to relating to album sales senior year.
I think I would make for a great writer, I don’t know everything but I think I have the basics down. I try to make my blogs look both professional and personal as possible after all they are pieces of me. I’ve learned so much about punctuation through blogging but I have a long way to go. It’s hard to explain the satisfaction I get from a good posting I’ve wrote, it’s an amazing outlet and I enjoy it beyond explanation. It’s a bit of a bummer not having the traffic like the big dogs but I don’t exactly go out of my way to promote either, that’s mostly because I’m a little self-conscious my blogs are my babies, what if no one likes them, it’s a hard scenario to think of but I would love it if I could get regular feedback on the things I post.
I love all my blogs regardless of traffic and Ill likely make more Im going to be taking up reading soon so that will likely be a new blog, Ill be going to school in the fall or summer so there will be a blog to follow that and I want to learn to cook so there will likely be a blog for that.
Viva la blog’s.
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